Beautiful Tango, take me by the hand
Beautiful Tango, until you make me dance
How sweet it can be if you make me dance?
How long will it last, baby if we dance?
"Beautiful tango" are among the songs we loved together with "Stand up" and comes from her first album "Handmade" released in 2010.
In 2015 Hindi Zahra presented her second interesting collection titled "Homeland" and songs such as "Any story", "The blues", "Silence" and others.
The music is for her as she said "like a puzzle. She writes lyrics, records percussion, adds guitars and then the melody appears. When the guitars reveal the melody, it is the time of the lyrics she has written, perhaps four proposals. It is the moment when the melody begins to tell the story of the song. "
Hindi Zahra: vocals
Jerome Plasseraud: guitars
Paul Salvagnac: guitars
David Dupuis: keyboards and wind instruments
Jeff Hallam: bass
Raphael Seguinier: drums
03 March 2017Starting time
21:00Ticket Prices
- Admission: 20-45