The good songs never end and “Everything Starts Again.” This is the title of the show, connecting different generations with common starting point the love of music and poetry.
Maria Farantouri interprets new and old songs from her rich repertoire of Mikis Theodorakis, Manos Hadjidakis, Dionysis Savvopoulos, Thanos Mikroutsikos, Eleni Karaindrou, etc. in poetry of Constantinos Cavafis, Giorgos Seferis, Odysseus Elytis, Yiannis Ritsos, Nikos Gatsos and Manolis Anagnostakis.
The two young songwriters, Michalis and Pantelis Kalogerakis present compositions from their first album "Personal" in Greek and foreign poetry.
Together with Maria Farantouri they interpret their own songs, as well as ballads of Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen.
Musical direction and piano: Takis Farazis
Wind Instruments: David Lynch
Double bass Kostas Kostarellos
18 February 201704 March 2017
10 March 2017
04 March 2017
10 March 2017
Starting time
21:00Ticket Prices
- Admission: 12-25